Understanding Hypnosis

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    People often read about hypnosis and wonder if it works. Perhaps you’ve done the same thing yourself. From time to time, the subject of hypnosis pops up in other forms of popular culture, such as television or film. Unfortunately, it’s not represented accurately in many cases. This gives people that have never had any personal experience with hypnosis a rather skewed version of the entire subject. For anyone considering hypnosis, it’s important to know what it is, what it can potentially do, how it might make one feel, how the whole thing works, and whether or not it’s safe. Some people may even be interested to know whether or not they can perform hypnosis on themselves. Fortunately, all of these questions will be answered below.

    What is Hypnosis?

    In short, hypnosis involves changing the individual’s state of mind in question to change their outlook on something specific. For example, a person who is afraid of bad weather may be able to successfully undergo hypnosis to help them conquer their fear of severe weather much more effectively than they would be able to do without undergoing these sessions. Hypnosis can be used for virtually any type of phobia. It is the thing that people often turn to when nothing else that they’ve tried has been effective. Therefore, when other forms of therapy don’t work, hypnosis may be the key to getting past something bothering a person to allow them to get their life back.

    Make no mistake about it. Hypnosis is not only used to help phobias. It can also be used to help boost self-confidence, help a person get over the loss of a loved one, anxiety, sleep or even help them move on after some other significant life change. It’s effective in many different types of situations, the only true limit being whether or not the individual in question believes that it can potentially help them.

    What Can Hypnosis Do?

    This was already touched on briefly in the previous paragraph, but it’s worth diving into a little deeper. Hypnosis may be effective for many different issues:

    1. It typically helps people get over something that is causing them some type of issue. Whether that involves being afraid of something, not having enough self-confidence to live life in a normal manner, or being so grief-stricken that it’s virtually impossible to function, hypnosis can sometimes help.
    2. It’s typically accomplished by assisting people in dealing with self-limiting beliefs that plague them on a daily basis, sometimes to the point of being debilitating.
    3. Hypnosis can help people believe that they no longer have those inhibitions, effectively allowing them to enjoy life to the fullest without recognizing that those specific inhibitions exist.

    How Does it Feel to be Hypnotised?

    Many people don’t fully realize that they’re being hypnotized. It is typically a process that is so subtle that the individual undergoing the session doesn’t fully realize that it’s happening until after the fact. A person undergoing hypnosis often feels extremely relaxed, and before they know it, they’ve been hypnotized. While they’re under hypnosis, they don’t typically realize that anything out of the ordinary is occurring. They genuinely believe that they are simply going about their day in a normal fashion, just like they would at any other time. The only difference is that they’re often not being held down or held back by the things that were plaguing them before they had the session. 

    Can You Induce Hypnosis Yourself?

    Believe it or not, it is possible to induce hypnosis in yourself. But, of course, you have to gain a few tools to do it successfully. While it may not be possible for a person who has no knowledge whatsoever of hypnosis to induce hypnosis on themselves successfully, it can be accomplished with a bit of training and practice. Of course, if you plan on inducing hypnosis on yourself, you should go about it in a safe manner, getting training from qualified individuals who know how to help you accomplish that goal properly. It is not advised that you peruse the internet and start copying whatever you see first. 

    Benefits of Hypnosis

    • Reduces anxiety
    • Improves sleep
    • Promotes weight loss
    • Creates a better mood

    How Does Hypnosis Work?

    One of the more interesting things about hypnosis is that no one, not even mental health experts, knows exactly how it works. It is believed that a great deal of it involves a bypassing of the critical mind, but no one fully understands exactly how or why it’s so effective. Some people are more resistant to hypnosis than others, but it’s often possible to successfully hypnotise a person, even if they’re not fully convinced that it can be done.

    Researchers believe that the mind is capable of far more than science has recognized thus far and that the mind can trick the body into believing certain things. It’s sort of like telling yourself that it doesn’t hurt when you kick your toe. By purposely removing focus from whatever is causing pain, it is possible to experience less pain. It’s also believed to be similar to those instances where people have a great deal of willpower and refuse to give up, thereby allowing them to recover from injuries or illnesses that might have killed someone else.

    Is Hypnosis Safe?

    When hypnosis is done correctly, it is safe. The only time safety comes into question is when people start playing around with unsafe techniques or when they’re using techniques that haven’t been properly taught. As long as the individual in question is following the direction of someone who can be trusted or under the care of a trusted hypnotherapist, there’s typically nothing to worry about.

    Hypnosis is something that many people have turned to over the years because it works. It often helps people do everything from losing weight to get better sleep or even finding the confidence they need to land a new job. So it does prove that many more things are possible than people give themselves credit for. But, unfortunately, it also proves that many of the hurdles that people have to overcome are self-induced, nothing more than something that has been created from a thought inside the mind of that particular individual, whether purposefully or not. 

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