From Our Clinic to Your Home

Custom Sessions as Unique as You Are

Rewrite Your Story

Personalised Self-Hypnosis Downloads for Anxiety, Weight Loss, Drinking and More

Expert Recommended | Clinically Proven | Hypnotherapy Method

Imagine having the power to transform your life, right in the comfort of your own home. Our personalized self-hypnosis downloads bring the expertise of our successful clinic directly to you, offering tailored solutions for your specific challenges. Whether you’re battling anxiety, struggling with weight loss, or looking to control your drinking habits, we’ve got you covered.

Unlock Transformative Value

with Personalised Self-Hypnosis

Professional Expertise Without the Premium Price

Privacy and Comfort

Complementary to Other Therapies

A woman with gray hair is sitting on a couch, wearing headphones and a relaxed expression, with eyes closed, in a sunlit room beside a window and a houseplant, likely practicing self-hypnosis.

Meet Your Clinical Hypnotherapists

Paul Smith, Sydney's Leading Clinical Hypnotherapist, short hair, and a smile is pictured in a close-up shot, wearing a dark shirt. His confident demeanor hints at his expertise in self-hypnosis.

Paul Smith

Cinical Hypnotherapist

We empower you to reshape your thoughts and regain control.

“Being trapped in your own mind can be daunting, but it’s the limiting beliefs holding you back, not you. Change is a journey. With the right guidance, you can overcome these patterns. Let’s work together to achieve lasting transformation.”

Paul Smith | Co-Owner | Clinical Hypnotherapist

Paul Smith

Your Privacy and confidentiality Are Our Top Priority

Professional Standards

Your Mind, Your Terms: Any Device, Anytime, Anywhere

Universal Compatibility

Professional Audio Quality

Your Trusted Accredited Hypnotherapy Provider

Endorsed by healthcare providers for safe and effective treatment.

Unlock Transformative Value: Personalised Self-Hypnosis That Saves You Time and Money

Imagine investing in a single, personalised self-hypnosis session that continues to deliver results for years to come. With our custom-crafted sessions, that’s exactly what you get. Here’s how our service stands out:

1. Unbeatable Cost-Effectiveness

Traditional in-person hypnotherapy often requires multiple sessions, each costing anywhere from $100 to $300. These costs can quickly add up to thousands of dollars over a typical treatment course.

Our custom self-hypnosis session? A one-time investment of just $97. That’s it. No recurring fees, no hidden costs.

2. Time is Money, and We Save You Both

Think about the time involved with traditional hypnotherapy:
– Traveling to and from appointments
– Waiting room time
– Taking time off work
– Scheduling conflicts and rescheduling hassles

With our custom sessions, you eliminate all of that. Your personalized hypnosis is available at your fingertips, 24/7. No travel, no waiting, no time off work required.

3. Lifetime Access for Ongoing Support

Unlike traditional sessions that end when you walk out the door, your custom recording is yours for life. Use it as often as you need, for as long as you need. It’s like having a hypnotherapist on call, without the ongoing costs.

4. Tailored for Faster, More Effective Results

Generic hypnosis recordings can’t compare to our personalized approach. By addressing your specific needs, our custom sessions can potentially lead to faster, more profound results. This means you could see positive changes sooner, saving you even more time and money in your personal development journey.

5. The Comfort of Home, The Expertise of a Clinic

Why pay premium prices for in-office visits when you can access professional-grade hypnotherapy from the comfort of your own home? Our sessions are created by experienced Clinical Hypnotherapists, bringing the expertise of a high-end clinic right to your personal device.

6. A Smart Investment in Your Future

Consider this: If you were to use your custom session just twice a week for a year, it would be equivalent to 104 in-person sessions. At an average rate of $150 per session, that’s a value of over $15,000!

Our price? A fraction of that.

The Bottom Line:

By choosing our custom self-hypnosis session, you’re not just saving money – you’re investing in a tool that continues to support your growth and well-being for years to come. It’s convenient, cost-effective, and tailored specifically to you.

Don’t let another day go by paying more for less personalized care. Take the first step towards a more efficient, effective path to personal transformation.

Remember, with our service, you’re not just buying a recording – you’re investing in a personalized tool for ongoing self-improvement, created by experts, at a price that makes professional hypnotherapy accessible to all.