Conquer Sleep Issues with Personalised Self-Hypnosis

Experience the Australian-crafted solution for restful nights and energised days

Unlock restful nights with our personalised self-hypnosis session for sleep issues. Written by experienced clinical hypnotherapists and recorded by Paul Smith, a clinical hypnotherapist in Sydney’s premiere hypnotherapy clinic, this tailored audio experience will guide you towards peaceful, rejuvenating sleep.

How It Works

What You Will Receive

Relaxed woman in bed, using self-hypnosis for improved sleep quality

Key Benefits

Why Choose Our Personalised Approach


It was such a lovely experience to meet Paul, he made us all feel welcome and at ease. My son loved his experience and wanted to go back straight away to see him again!

My daughter was having a lot of emotional issues as she went through her teenage years, Paul's ability to connect at her level and understand her way of thinking then correct it was inspirational.

Paul is incredible!! My daughter experienced a health trauma that effected her entire well being. She suffered from depression and a loss of confidence in all areas of her life, in particular in her sport that she plays at a high level. After only a few sessions with Paul, my daughter overcame her trauma and went back to her happy self. It’s great to see her using the tools she learnt with Paul to take on any obstacle she faces with confidence again. Thanks again Paul!

I expected to need several sessions to work on my anxiety issues, however after one session I have had great results. Being able to listen to the session recording helped immensely, I listened to it a lot for about a month. Thank you for giving me the tools to overcome my issue. Highly recommended.

After just one visit with Paul I was able to break a habit that had formed over many years. I have no cravings and I feel better within myself. I highly recommend Pauls services and with the support of the recordings you can listen to at any time I know he has helped me form a better future for myself and my family.

Paul was very professional and was amazing in helping my 15 year old Daughter with her anxiety and other health issues. I've seen a huge change in both her demeanour and health issues since seeing Paul after just 1 visit. Very highly recommended

I was ready to make a lasting change and my session with Paul really bought home what I knew I needed to do. A professional and caring experience and I highly recommend it.

My experience with Paul was exactly what I had hoped for. It was about getting my mind right to deal with my issues. Paul did that from the first session and then reinforced that in subsequent sessions. I have made great progress and although I still have a way to go, I am encouraged and motivated by the fact that I am already, within a few months, halfway to my objective. The hard part is done, taking the first steps, & I'm confident that the work Paul has done sets me up for continued success. I regard this as an important investment in my future health

Fantastic! Highly recommend Paul = 5 stars ⭐️

I highly recommend the services of Paul. Great facility, caring and most of all it actually does work. 5 weeks now and I still see the hypnosis working...Thank you Paul...

Meet Your Clinical Hypnotherapist

We help you to redefine your thoughts and regain control.

Feeling stuck in your own mind can be overwhelming, but it’s important to remember that it’s not you—it’s the limiting beliefs holding you back. Change is a journey, and with the right approach, you can break free from these patterns. Let’s work together to navigate the path to lasting transformation.”

Paul Smith

Paul Smith, Sydney's Leading Clinical Hypnotherapist wearing a dark shirt smiles at the camera in a well-lit setting, exuding the confidence often gained through self-hypnosis.

About This Session?

Experience the transformative power of self-hypnosis to overcome sleep issues with our personalised audio session. This bespoke recording addresses your unique sleep challenges, whether you struggle with falling asleep, staying asleep, or achieving restful sleep.

Written by experienced clinical hypnotherapists and recorded by Paul Smith, a respected clinical hypnotherapist from Sydney’s leading hypnotherapy clinic, this self-hypnosis session utilises proven techniques to calm your mind, relax your body, and prepare you for a night of restorative sleep.

Our personalised approach ensures that the session is tailored to your needs, maximising its effectiveness. As you listen, you’ll be gently guided into a state of deep relaxation, where you’ll learn to reprogram your subconscious mind for improved sleep patterns.

Regular use of this self-hypnosis session can help you:

• Fall asleep faster and more easily
• Stay asleep throughout the night
• Wake up feeling refreshed and energised
• Reduce anxiety and racing thoughts at bedtime
• Establish a healthy sleep routine
• Improve overall sleep quality

Invest in your well-being and discover the rejuvenating power of restful sleep with our personalised self-hypnosis session for sleep issues.


Self-hypnosis works by guiding you into a state of deep relaxation, allowing you to reprogram your subconscious mind for better sleep patterns. It helps calm racing thoughts, reduce anxiety, and prepare your body for restful sleep.
Yes, our self-hypnosis session is completely safe. It's a natural, non-invasive method that simply harnesses the power of your own mind. You remain in control throughout the entire process.
Many people report improvements after just a few sessions. However, for best results, we recommend consistent use over several weeks to allow your mind to fully adopt new sleep patterns.
Self-hypnosis can be used alongside sleep medication. However, we always recommend consulting with your healthcare provider before making any changes to your sleep regimen.
No, you won't become dependent. Instead, self-hypnosis teaches you techniques that you can eventually use on your own, without the recording.
For optimal results, we recommend listening to the session daily, preferably before bedtime, for at least 3-4 weeks.

Embrace Restful Nights with Your Personalised Sleep Solution

Don't let another sleepless night pass you by. Your personalised self-hypnosis session for sleep issues is just a click away. Written by experienced clinical hypnotherapists and recorded by Paul Smith, a clinical hypnotherapist in Sydney's premiere hypnotherapy clinic, this tailored audio experience is your key to unlocking peaceful, rejuvenating sleep. Take the first step towards better nights and brighter days – order your personalised self-hypnosis session now!